Anne Müchler & Nico Schmitz live and work in Düsseldorf, Germany.

The work of Anne Müchler & Nico Schmitz has been exhibited und published internationally, most recently at Museum Folkwang (Butterland—Delusion of Photography), Clervaux (cité de l'image), Les Rencontres d'Arles, Organ Vida (Zagreb), Seen Fifteen Gallery (London), Photoville (New York City), IPFL (Netherlands). Their first artist book Encounter — Truth Construction was shortlisted at Kassel Dummy Book Award 2017, LUMA Rencontres Dummy Book Award Arles 2017 and UNSEEN Dummy Award 2017.

Since 2018 Anne Müchler & Nico Schmitz are teaching photography at Hochschule Düsseldorf, Peter Behrens School of Arts.


Group Exhibitions

30.11.2018 —13.1.2019
Butterland — Delusion of Photography, Museum Folkwang, Essen

International Photo Festival Leiden, Netherlands

The Hague Museum of Photography, IPFL Selection

UNSEEN Dummy Award, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam


BURNING WITH PLEASURE, Seen Fifteen Gallery, London 

LUMA RENCONTRES Dummy Book Award Arles, l’Atelier Mécanique, Arles

THE LIBRARY PROJECT, Photo Ireland Festival, Dublin

FOTOGRAFIA EUROPEA, »Memory, Archive, Future«, Reggio Emilia

»PICTURALITÉ & GRAPHISME«, cité de l'image, Clervaux

2016 »REVELATIONS«, Organ Vida, 
International Photography Festival, Zagreb

Kunstverein Mischpoke e.V., Mönchengladbach

2015 »wir sind hier«,
bild.sprachen Galerie, Gelsenkirchen

2014 C.A.R., Contemporary Art Ruhr
Zollverein, SAANA, Essen

2013 »Concrete Poetry«, Kunstmuseum Bochum

2013 Düsseldorf Photography Weekend
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Salon des Amateurs

2012—2013 »Fieldworks«, 
BRIDGES Fotoprojekt Berne Park, Bottrop

2012 »Sustain/Ability, Ideal und Plan« 
Kunstraum Notkirche, Essen

2011 »landscaping«, Clervaux, 
Luxemburg Europäischer Monat der Fotografie

2010 »ausstellen. bilder. räume. interventionen«, 
next1, Ruhr2010, Dortmund

2010 »Welten am Fluss/Süd«, Recklinghausen Süd

2010 »Permanently Temporary«, Düsseldorf

2009 »Strukturwandel«, Galerie Lichtblick
(Tina Schelhorn, Wolfgang Zurborn), Köln

2009 »Destroy/Create« Kokerei Zollverein, Essen
Sammlung Bridges, Fotoprojekt Emscher Zukunft

2008 4. Triennale der Photographie Hamburg



2013 Anne Müchler & Nico Schmitz
Diploma in Photographic Studies
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund

2007—2013 Nico Schmitz
Photography Studies at Prof. Susanne Brügger
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund

2004—2007 University of Wuppertal
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Photography Studies at Prof. Susan Lamèr

2004—2013 Anne Müchler
Photography Studies at Prof. Susanne Brügger
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund